Michael Neilson is a film and television composer residing in the vibrant city of Vancouver, Canada. As a dual citizen of Canada and Britain, his musical journey has traversed continents, beginning in the heart of London, England.
With a portfolio boasting over 80 films, he’s had the privilege of working with esteemed clients, including eOne, Sony, Lionsgate, Ghost House Underground, CBC, Syfy Channel, Lifetime, and Hallmark. Each project is a unique canvas where he strives to create immersive and memorable musical experiences.
Beyond traditional composition, he is an avid creator and collector of electro-acoustic instruments. From the heart of his studio, he builds unique instruments that bridge the physical and virtual realms. This hands-on approach allows Michael to craft his own distinctive sounds and virtual instruments, adding a personal touch to each composition.
Explore the cinematic soundscape he’s crafted for various projects and join him on a journey of musical storytelling. Connect with Michael on social media to stay updated on his latest compositions, instrument-building projects, and insights into the art of film and television scoring.